ATX Cabling Project Concepts

INTRO: Ok, I can't standing it anymore. All these case mods are driving me nuts. I've seen some of the most incredible PC mods as of late but the wiring still sucks. Now using some of the "rounded" IDE cables is nice but they still hook-up in the center of the connector and only have a rubber "boot" over the connector. Here's a breakdown of conventional case wiring systems:

Some improvements can be made in using cable sleeves and tie-wraps but the fundamental problem lies deeper than this. In the following images and text I will explain what's been brewing in my mind...

**Overall design concept**

As you can see from this basic diagram, the open cabling has been replaced and there should be much less obstruction put into the airflow of the chassis. I plan to pull this off through modification to connectors as shown below...

**Modified Molex Connector**

Firstly, eliminate on of the two ground wires -only splitting off at the very end of the connector just before terminating. Then employ a rounded and rubber-coated cabling of reasonable flexibility. The moulding will provide a good grip surface for insertion and removal as well as a decent strain releif. I've already experimented with several moulds to get this to work but I'm sure I'll need a professional connector manufacturer to get the final desired result.

**Modified 40-pin IDE connector**

Sorry 'bout the size of the image. Here you can see the possible moulding that will be required to allow the connector to pass the wiring through and create a grip point for insertion and removal. The diagram in the bottom right show how using an existing insulation displacement connector may still work but the may be a lot of tedious handiwork required to run the wires neatly. I've made one mock-up of this but it didn't work when installed (I think that the gauge of the wire I used may have been too small to get a decent connection).

**Closeup of the final desired result**

One cable run that serves both data and power to the IDE-based components of the PC. I'm thinking of using a 50-conductor cable where 40 of them would provide the IDE data and the remaining 10 could be used to run power and ground (4-ground, 3-12v, and 3-5v). The ultimate product would be a custom power supply that also provides IDE data cabling for the PC (and probably a couple of accessory power connections).

Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Drop me a line here: