Early Prototypes

Here's some images of my first batch of cable and connector prototypes.
(click on the image for a larger version)

IDE Cable Prototype #1:

This was my first attempt at creating a better IDE cable. It does successfully show my intentions but unfortunately the wire gauge was a tad too small and some of the runs never made good contact with the connector's insulation displacement clips. Thus, this isn't a "working" prototype. I am fairly pleased with the result though. The cables are very flexible and would work well in an actual PC chassis.

Here's one end of the cable. You can see some of the hot glue squeezed out.
(the hot glue ensuring that I would never do any repairs on these connectors!)

The center connector is what I'm most happy with at this point.

Power Connector Prototype #1:

I know, I know...It looks like crap. But hey, it was my first attempt at using epoxy and molds. I had a friend make me a very basic mold out of aluminum that looks like it should do the job (once I get better at it). The concept worked though -and this is with running all 4 original cables through the mold. The final product should only have 3 wires run.