Male Molex Power Connector Tutorial

This tutorial is to show some of the techniques I use for improving the existing male Molex connectors commonly found on PC components these days. If youre interested in how to update the internal wiring of these connectors, just use the same techniques shown in the "Female Power Connector Tutorial" found in the menu above.

As you can see (and I'm sure have experienced) it's pretty easy to mis-alligh the male pins on these connectors. Add this to the fact that the female connectors also have a lot of slack in them, and you'll have a hard time mating these two together!

First mate a female connector to your piece. This will help hold the pins in the right place. Then insert some hot glue into the connector from behind. Go in from both sides on each wire and finish with a small bead around the end.

Your final result should look like this image. Now your pins aren't going anywhere!!!

Now your're ready for some final heatshrink to hide the hot glue gun application. Your connector is now completed!